Badminton Canterbury Board:
Many people know that BC is governed by a volunteer Board. What many don’t know is what is involved being on the board. The role of the board is to oversee the direction of badminton in Canterbury – from the grassroots up to our representative teams/players. The board is a small group of people that share one common goal: seeing our sport grow in Canterbury.
Being on the board is a bit different from the average club committee – when you join a club committee, you usually end up doing lots of jobs. The purpose of the board is setting the strategy and direction (big picture), ensure the paid staff have the resources they need to do their jobs, then check that it’s all done. So you won’t walk away from each meeting with a lengthy list of jobs to do!
The board has been meeting once a month for a while, however as we come to the time where our strategic plan detail has been formed, the board will reduce it’s meetings to every two months (for approximately 2 hours). Meetings are usually at the hall and we have a Teams link available for those who want.
Badminton Canterbury would love to hear from people keen to contribute to the sport!
What skills do you need for the board?
We need a variety of skill sets to help the board function efficiently. Areas you might have interest/experience in include:
- Accounting/Legal
- Administration
- Marketing & Communications
- Sales
- Leadership/Project Management
- Events
- Small business
- Teaching/Working with young people
- IT/Website/Social Media
- Retail/Customer Service
In addition, if you have experience working with minority groups and people from a variety of cultures we would love to chat.
Do I need to be a good player?
Definitely not – although we welcome players that have played at the top level! Our board has previously consisted of coaches, social players, club players, rep players and parents.
What do I get out of being on the board?
The most common reason people get involved with the board is to give back to the sport they have had so much enjoyment out of. Other reasons include,
- learning how a sport or non-profit organisation is run,
- wanting board/governance experience
- wanting volunteer work to add to a CV
- to influence the direction of BC
- to help solve some of the complaints they have heard on the courts
- to greater connect with the community
- to make a difference!
Other info:
So there’s no conflict of interest, any current paid employees of BC are not allowed on the board. Minimum age in NZ to be an officer of an incorporated society is 16. To ensure continuity of the board, terms are usually for two years. If you don’t think you can commit to two years, let us know, we would still love your input. Board members need to be a member of a club affiliated to Canterbury, if you are not and want to help please get in touch and we can talk about some options.
Want to chat?
Please reach out to:
Jo Christie – General Manager,, 0212075150
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